k8slanparty网站地址 challenge1题目描述12345678DNSing with the starsYou have shell access to compromised a Kubernetes pod at the bottom of this page, and your next objective is to compromise other internal services further.As a warmup, utilize DNS scanning to uncover hidden internal services and obtain the flag. We have "loaded your machine with dnscan to ease this process for further challenges.All the flags in the challenge follow the same format: wiz_k8s_lan_party{*}Challenge value:...
About me
关于我4年的ctf老选手,主攻Web,Misc方向,喜欢玩取证题目,ctf时间也变少了。 闲暇时间也挖SRC,恰点零花钱,偶尔写笔记分享,也会投社区或者公众。 目前在学习云安全和Web3,期待成为Web3和云上高手! 欢迎各位师傅一起交流学习!